
"A dystopian world, perhaps not so far away, in which characters undergo different stages of transformation between human, insect and machine.This metamorphosis is suddenly triggered, generating confusion and contradictions in the characters to avoid a process that seems to have no return. In their journey they discover these changes and their

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Moonlight Jugglers

From immemorial times the Moon - and its likely inhabitants - have been axis of the most varied human fantasies. In this show, the moon jugglers recreate in their imagination to tell us a visual story that revives the curiosity and the ability to surprise us.The "Lunar Sphere" starts the traveling show in a surprising […]

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Alchemists of Fire

“A man Neguá, a village on the coast of Colombia, could ascend to heaven. On return, he said he had seen from up there human life. He said that we are a sea of little fires.-The world is that– he said- a lot of people, a sea of little fires. Each person shines with its […]

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Bienvenidos a este espectáculo de animación, donde tres excéntricos domadores de antiguos circos, se reencuentran para llevar el espíritu y la magia de la clásica carpa al barrio y la ciudad, y transformándolo en un show de teatro de calle en zancos.Interacciones teatrales y juego de habilidad con la audiencia. Animación familiar y números de

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Urban Stilts

“Three characters very, very urban amaze us with their acrobacies stunts and jumps, dodging obstacles and defying gravity. Adrenaline and dizziness in a show that will take away the breath”  Download PDF

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