Modular Juggling

The functional juggling installation consists of modules designed and created to perform juggling with balls, hoops, and tubes. The creation and construction of modules is done through bibliographic, empirical, and practical research on functional juggling.

A totally original and innovative recreational activity, where the practice of individual abilities (psycho-motor skills, dexterity, laterality, coordination and rhythm, self-body confidence, self-esteem) and group abilities (coordination, group listening and rhythm, respect for different capabilities, positive predisposition to play with others) is developed and reinforced

It is an installation created to carry out a playful, creative, and above all inclusive activity, since it allows any person, group, and collective to perform them, generating empowerment and active participation compared to traditional circus and juggling activities.

This characteristic also opens up the possibility of using the installation and functional juggling as a therapeutic tool applicable to other sectors (special education, elderly care, physical mobility and rehabilitation, sports medicine, among others)
